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Showing posts from July, 2010


So I have been attending my girlfriend's free Zumba class. I go twice a week, for the last 6 weeks or so. I've been so excited for the class and yesterday it dawned on me that I haven't lost aany weight or inches that are visible to me. But then....... a friend that hadn't been to Zumba in a couple of weeks said that I looked really good yesterday!! Well......... I'll be! What a great little comment. That means that I must be doing something good but I've decided that I have to step it up a notch. Once I've made some headway maybe, and that's a big MAYBE I'll post some pictures.

I may be Queen but that doesn't mean that I rule!

This set of photos started because Felicity was being so cute. Last monday night we played Go-fish and ate popcorn for FHE. Ahhh the fun times spent together as a family!! Counting up his pairs. Go-fish can be competative. I don't think he won though! I hate it when I catch part of a blink. She really was happy to be playing cards with us. Aurora and her beautiful smile!! Cards and popcorn... what can make the day any better?! Here mom, here's my pose. Most of the time Daniel is teasing her saying "Your a silly goose!" Here's Felicity with her feet on the table. Who's in charge in this house?? Not me!!

A New Look on the Domestic Domain

So I picked up a book at the library titled " The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. What an absolutely mind opening book. It is a must read for every single person in this world. If you are NOT debt free, read the book!! Simple as that. So after having read the book we have decided that life is going to change in the Jarvis household. We are attacking our debt with gazelle intensity!! ( Read the book, you'll get it) We have cut every luxury and by following the book we can be out of debt in about 1 year and then we can have a down payment for a house in about 2 years and then we figure that we can be out of the mortgage in about 5-6 more years. That means that before Daniel and I are 40 years old we will be completely debt free. With the gazelle intensity that we are working at it tough I think we could be done in as short at 6 years total, not the forcasted 8 years. Dave's motto in this book is; " Live like no one else, so you can live like no one else"...

Life passes on

So my Grandpa Lansing ( my Dad's dad) passed away on June 24th. The funeral was on Monday June 28th in Creston where he has lived most of his life. Most of his married life would be more accurate. As I sit here quietly this morning I was thinking about life passes on. Everyday we get up and look at our list of things to be accomplished and every evening we lay down and take note of what we got finished or didn't get finished. Life just passes on. But when you come to the end of your life and you reflect on your list of things that you should have done and could have done and the things that you did do, what does your list look like??? When I lay myself down at the end of my life will I have completed the things that I need to complete or will I have wasted away my time doing things that really weren't that important. Will I be satisified with the what I have gotten done on my list of life things too do?? I don't really have a tonne of memories with Grandpa, he was alway...