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Showing posts from January, 2012


So I've decided to extend my giveaway until Wednesday January 25. If you've already entered, don't worry your still entered, I just need to give it a little more time.

Something else to look at.

So our family decided that we needed to set goals, I used the My Memories Suite to make a beautiful hang up to post in our kitchen. Check it out! I used the digital scrapbooking software to make this beautiful poster for our family. There is so much that you can do with this software, it's amazing. If your interested in purchasing the software for yourself (all though I would suggest you wait until after I do the draw for the free software) you can use this code STMMMS69714 to recieve $10 off the purchase of the software and then you will also recieve $10 towards purchases you make from the website. So use the code and make some magic!!

Here we go!

So a month ago I was contacted by My Memory Suite , a digital scrapbooking software company. They asked me if I would be interested in checking out their product and then doing a review for them on my blog. So here I am and I gotta tell you I love what they've got! First of all I'm not a scrapbooker (at least not a good one). I love the look of scrapbooking and I wish I was better at it but I struggle greatly on the 2 dimensional plain. 3D I can do, but I struggle with 2D. Anyways, this program is great for me. There are two great aspects of it that work well for me. First of all they have pages that are already made, put together and ready to go you just drop your pictures into the frames and voila! your done. The second aspect that I really like is that if you are wanting to build your own page you can put stuff on the page and take stuff off without any hassle. If your working with glue and papers things can get messy and expensive. Here it's just click and drag and you...

What a year!

2011 was a fabulous year and I can only imagine that 2012 will be just as wonderful. Daniel has just started a new job and is very excited to be there. I have high hopes and asperations for this year and we will see what the Lord has in store for us. I'm slowly detoxing my kids from the Christmas binge. We tried going cold turkey and everyone crashed. So we are trying, VERY SLOWLY, to wein them off the sugar. It's gonna be a long road. As soon as I have a minute I'll try to put some pictures up from Christmas. Plus I'm going to do a giveaway on monday that I tried to do back on December 1st. Maybe I can get it to work this time!