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Showing posts from February, 2012

Leap Year Day

So seeing as today is Leap Day I should have something to say. First off, where was I 4 years ago? Let's see it would have been 2008. I was living in Edmonton in a great place (sarcasm) called Kameyosek. Aurora was 4, Rayann was 2 and I was working at Michaels. I don't recall doing anything special or the day being special. It was just another day. Same as today. Today is just another day. Nothing special happend. I worked on custom sewing orders. Gage and Felicity had naps this afternoon and I contimplated life, where we are headed and where we have come from. By we I do mean Daniel and I. I did take some video today and I realized that I have a tonne of videos on my camera that need to get loaded onto my computer. So maybe later this week. *eye roll* We all know how fast I am at posting stuff. Anyways, Happy Leap Year Day!


So my girls have really long hair and they love it when I do things in their hair. So practiced this heart shaped braid on Aurora's hair for church on sunday and it turned out really good today. I need to get better decorations like ribbons and really fancy bows and such for their hair. I got the idea from Hairstyles For Girls . She even has a video on how to do this particular style. Check her out she's fantastic! Rayann's hair is supposed to be a heart as well it's just a little understated. I was going to try to do 3 in a row down her head but it didn't work out that way. She loved it, so that's all that matters. Here they are together, ready to go to school.


In these pictures are Daniel's Grandma and Grandpa Blount. Lorna Blount is Jerry Jarvis's mother and Bob Blount is his Step-father. This Christmas we had some extra days and we decided that we should take them and go and see our Grandparents, on both sides. We are sorry some days that we don't live closer so that our children could have stronger relationships than we do. So we took some extra time and went and saw them. Here is a great picture of the kids with their Great Grandma and Grandpa. Gage was not to excited but the girls enjoyed the picture. Grandma Blount passed away on February 10th in the wee hours of the morning. We are headed to her funeral at the end of this week. It's hard to say goodbye to a loved one but at the same time. She has lived a very full life and has an amazing group of people waiting for her on the other side. I'm glad that we took the time to spend some time with them at Christmas. The girls have become very interested in geneology and ...


Life is a complex situation and it brings so many things that just ebb and flow. Husband, life, kids, working out, not working out, eating right, not eating right, kids growing up WAY to fast, the passage of time. Why do we always look forward instead of at what is right in front of us?? I want to get better at seeing what is right in front of me. I have been really trying not to shrug off my children lately and I'm loving it. I even snapped some pictures of Gage at supper tonight. His first ever spaghetti and sauce. Can't eat it fast enough! Very tired. Gage was 9months old in this picture.