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The BIG News!!

For those of you that aren't aware, we did it!! We bought a house. We have already moved. It all started back in November. We recieved yet another rental increase. When we first moved into our townhouse in Edmonton we were paying $720/mth. Each year we would receive another increase, as frustrating as it was. It always seemed that Daniel would finish another year of his apprenticeship and get a pay increase and then we'd get a rental increase.
Well the increase that we received in the end of November brought our rent up to $1010/mth. The proverbial 'it' hit the fan. We were fed up and decided that it was time to do something about it.

Things had already been changing for us. Daniel had transfered out to Nisku in October because there was more work for him there. He has absolutley loved the new environment. The shop is more laid back and the guys are easier to get along with. This move to Nisku ment that he had to start getting up a little earlier but he's always been an early riser. His move to Nisku did present a problem for the family as now he had the vehicle all the time and there was no way of me being able to use it to do any running around. So in the beginning of November we purchased a second car for him to drive back and forth to work. A nice little Dodge Neon that gets great mileage!!

Then came the rental increase, weknew it was time to start looking to buy a house. So by the end of November we had met with a mortgage broker and were pre-qualified for a mortgage. Then came the task of trying to find a house that fit into what we could afford. To make long stories short..... like I ever do that... but you get the point, we couldn't afford to purchase anything in Edmonton so we started looking around Nisku.
Beaumont - nope
Leduc - nope
Devon - nope
Calmar - not our first pick
Thorsby - getting a little far away
Wetaskiwin - sounds like it might be fine

So away we went. We spent probably 2 weeks checking out houses and properties on MLS. Once we had secured Darlene Reid from Rock Point Realty as our relator and we were off to the races. We headed to Wetaskiwin on the 16th of December to see the list of houses that we had chosen as possibles for us to consider buying. We started with what was #1 and #2 on our list and we were quickly becoming discouraged by the time we hit #3. All we had on #4 was one picture from across the street and no interior pictures. The write up was bleak and we were sure that we were never going to find a house that was going to work for our family.

#4 was the diamond in the rough. It didn't take us long to see that we were ment for #4. Relief, excitement and joy.... then panic set in. We decided that if we were going to move we were going to do it asap. So we made an offer, made a counter offer, worked it out, figured it out, gave our notice on the first of January on our townhouse, counter offered again, did a little more figuring and finally came to a decision all conditions met and removed by the 7th of January with a 25th possesion date. We moved on the 29th of January.

We are mostly settled, still working out some of the kinks but we are happy. I feel so grown up for the first time in my life. Maybe it's because of my pending birthday this year ;) who knows. Anyways, we've had some bumps, no bruises and Daniel is thoroughly enjoying being a home-owner. He's wanted to buy a house since we got married.

So that's what was taking up our time in the end of 2010!!


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