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Spiritual Motivation

I've had the opportunity to be touched by the spirit today. I've read a few friends blogs and I think all to often we forget that others struggle, we struggle, everyone has a struggle of some sort that they are working on.

We live in a highly social society (social media and such) and yet we live very lonely lives. I think we allow very few people in to the 'inner sanctum' if you will, and that leaves us lonely and vulnerable. I have an amazing sister that I talk to every day. (well it used to be every day but summer gardens and us both with 4 kids every day sometimes is only twice a week) I can tell her anything, she knows my deep dark secrets, as does my husband but other than that, only some people know some things. Why do we guard ourselves so much? Why are we afraid of seeking help from others that might be able to give guidance or ever comfort on our own struggles and trials?

I was touched by those that have opened theirs doors a little wider and have allowed me to see that they struggle as well, I'm not the only one.

I struggle with feeling inadequate with the task of being mother and wife to a wonderful man.

I struggle with depression, living so far away from my family and not having anyone to fall back on if I should fall. (my husband is great but he works out of town and long hours, because he is an amazing man and works hard to provide for our family)

I struggle with lack of motivation which only depresses me more. I just keep thinking one day it will all change but I don't know how or why it will change unless I do something about it.
Again lack of motivation.

The bright side to all of this though is that I'm trying. I read my scriptures, and say my prayers, working towards one day being the mother, wife and best self I can be for me and my family.


  1. Oh Chis, I am sending you a great big hug! Life sure can be hard, but you are doing great. Turn to the Lord, at all times, in all things and in all places. He will help you - I promise. Without the Lord, I don't know how I would cope with anything. Good for you for opening up about how you are feeling - I know it can be very hard to do. Keep your chin up! If you ever need anything, I am only an e-mail away :)
    Love Jess


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