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Showing posts from August, 2018

Finding Balance

I run a very busy life. Would I love more time?! Yes, wouldn't we all. That being said these are the days of my life and I am in the full swing of mommy-dom and child rearing so alas, my days are not my own. I have so many things that I want to pursue in life and I find it challenging to sit back and wait for the empty nest-er days. So I try to do it all. Some have called me Super woman but really I'm just a woman with dreams and realities that are closely tied. I get to spend all day every day with my children. I get to help them learn and grow. I get to watch them succeed and learn new things! I get to explore with them and try to figure out how the world works around us. We get dirty, we get messy, we sometimes lose our tempers with each other but that's all apart of growing! I wouldn't change it for anything. There are lots of other things that I do for my family and with my family. I won't bore you with those details but the hard part that I struggle with i...

Onion Harvest

I grow a large garden every year. We start our bedding out plants in March, as part of our schooling, or so and then we get started outside by May. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I just waltz out to the garden and drop the seeds in. There is a lot of planning and prep work. But that's not for today's post. Once you plant that one seed you are now committed to months of work. Actually for me, it's more than half the year.  April ~ start working the land May~ hopefully get your seeds in June ~ weeding and watering July ~ weeding, watering, harvesting August ~ weeding,watering, harvesting September ~ weeding, watering, harvesting October ~ harvesting November ~ harvesting That's 8 months out of the year that I'm working the outdoors portion of the homestead. My husband was looking at a job in Manitoba that would take him away from home for 18 months. I started to say to him, that because we home school, I could come visit him in M...

Working Together

We live on 2.45 acres in the Central Kootenays, in British Columbia. When we first moved here I just said we had land, or an acreage. It wasn't until recently that I determined that really, we have a Homestead. Each year we add a little more to what we grow, or how much we grow or learn new things. I think this is a great learning environment for my family.  I love this time of the year, when we can harvest the food that we have worked months at to grow. All of my kids, not just my girls help in the kitchen. I grew up in a traditional household where my brother didn't help as much in the kitchen and now he wishes that he had helped more and learned more in the kitchen. So I make sure that my kids, girls and boys, get ample opportunity to help.  Simple things like tipping and tailing beans can be done by the smallest of hands.    Here are two of my helpers working on the beans for supper. You guys... I just love seeing little people learning how to car...

Wow! It's been a while

So I didn't die. I just got busy with life! I have been exploring so many new and wonderful things in my life and I have managed to come back around full circle to my blog. I now full time home school my children. I have become quite the orchardist. Daniel started his own company and I have my own company. I don't know how we manage it all but you know what........ I wouldn't change it for anything. I want to share my life and comings and going with you and maybe you will want to share them with others as we go along!! My whole life I have always thought about and worked towards knowledge in all thing self reliant. Now I'm doing just that. I have learned through the school of life and I feel that I can share with you as you embark on a life of change, growth and self sufficiency. I'm going to try and post 3 times a week. So hopefully you can keep up!! Thanks for checking me out.