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Finding Balance

I run a very busy life. Would I love more time?! Yes, wouldn't we all. That being said these are the days of my life and I am in the full swing of mommy-dom and child rearing so alas, my days are not my own. I have so many things that I want to pursue in life and I find it challenging to sit back and wait for the empty nest-er days. So I try to do it all. Some have called me Super woman but really I'm just a woman with dreams and realities that are closely tied.

I get to spend all day every day with my children. I get to help them learn and grow. I get to watch them succeed and learn new things! I get to explore with them and try to figure out how the world works around us. We get dirty, we get messy, we sometimes lose our tempers with each other but that's all apart of growing! I wouldn't change it for anything.

There are lots of other things that I do for my family and with my family. I won't bore you with those details but the hard part that I struggle with is finding time for myself. I need to do physical therapy for my right shoulder and lower back. I can never find the time for that. I also love to work out. You wouldn't necessarily get that impression from just looking at me but I love feeling so strong. I never have time for that. So finding a balance for all things can be a challenge. I have decided remembered that I am important. In fact I am the most important thing on the list of "To-Do's" If I don't take care of me then I can't be there to do the other things. I was reminded of this very thing today.

I have been suffering with back pain for almost 5 years now. Every day is different. This morning there was some pain so I rubbed my lower back with a deep cooling cream called Pain-a-trate. I love it! So I rubbed that and headed to the garden to pick the beans and do some weeding. The day kind of was having a hard time taking off and so I wasn't really getting much done. After lunch my pain level had gone up so I decided I would take a prescription muscle relaxant and lay down. When I got up an hour or so later, I couldn't hardly walk. I was in worse pain that before I laid down.

I know the exercises that I need to do from the physio therapist to help myself. I know that when I am working out my pain I almost no existent. What we know and what we tell ourselves can be so different though.

Why do we allow ourselves to become the least important thing on the list? How do we change the mind set?


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