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Harvest a time of life!

We seem to cycle through periods of time each and every year. We start the year in January with a renewed sense of self. We set goals, jump on the treadmill and sit quietly in the stillness of winter and deep frost. Spring rolls in with longer days, warmer sunshine and brings renewal of life. Plants and grass start growing, all animals bring forth their young. I find that my heart starts to soar knowing that I can get my hands in the dirt and I that the grips of winter and fading. Summer arrives with the end of school, beach days and lemonades. Then comes fall. There are those that love it and those that tolerate it. I would say I'm more in the tolerate side. I'm not a huge fan of sweaters. I don't seek out all the pumpkin spiced items and I start to miss the warm sunshine. Every day it seems the sun dips lower and lower on the horizon.

There is a part of fall that I truly enjoy though and that is the harvest. To be able to see a manifestation of the hard work that started in the spring and continued all summer. This year is no different. Our harvest was grand and our house is bulging at the seams with the amount of produce. I have no idea what we are going to do with all the pumpkins we harvest. We CAN NOT begin to carve that many pumpkins!

Harvest also require hours and hours of time. Hours picking, canning, freezing, dehydrating, saucing and juicing all of the produce in an attempt to preserves as much of it as I can. This is why I haven't posted in so long. I've been so busy with all the work. There is so much satisfaction in knowing that I grew this food, I preserved it (in what ever manner) and I know that I am giving my children the best food that I am able. There is so much love that comes from growing your own food. I truly think it should be a class that is taught.

For years I have always canned the same foods, peaches, pears, tomatoes, beets, beans, jams, salsa, and various forms of pickles. I have always been afraid that if we had to subsist on what we had stored, which we have, we would get tired of these things very quickly. I started searching for other items that were shelf stable to add to what I was already doing. Enter freeze dried food.

In 2011 I purchase my consultants kit from Thrive Life. I didn't intent to share or sell I just wanted the best price and perks for me and my family. I started with adding mushrooms, spinach, broccoli. It has a 25 year shelf life so I knew that it was perfect to just purchase and store. That's what I did, purchase and store. It wasn't until a few years later that I started using the food in my day to day cooking. That's when I became hooked!! What a difference it made in our life. I was able to add more fruits and vegetables into our diet everyday.

Now my harvest is complete! I mean that literally and figuratively. I'm not actually done my harvest for this year, we are still harvesting nuts but everything else is done. Figuratively though, I have a complete and balanced food supply that is shelf stable and long lasting that supplements what I'm already doing in my homesteading efforts.

Thrive Life foods have a 25 years shelf life sealed and a 1 year shelf life open. All of our foods meet the highest standards of quality!! We have everything from fruits and vegetables to meats, dairy, pantry items, meal kits and more! Learning about freeze dried food has truly opened my eyes to the food industry and what we are so


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