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Getting your house in order

So it's that time of the year where the summer has wound down and fall has settled in. We haven't any taste of winter yet, here. That being said as the Queen of my Domain, I take care of all the Domain in it's various capacities.

This time of year is moving the walnut leaves away from the plants that I don't want damaged. I just pulled my Gladiola bulbs last night because I don't want to lose them. (care of Gladiola bulbs is a whole other post) All of my planter pots have had the dead plants pulled from them. The garden has been cleared and we are ready outside for mother nature to roll winter in. That being said, my biggest goal in life is to find the greatest life that you and I can live!!

As we move indoors and become indoor dwellers there is a whole other part of Domain that has to be taken care of, on two different planes. First of all, after living out of doors all summer, my house is dirty, messy and cluttered. The second plane though is the well being of my home.

Where you live is only part of your domain. But what about the other parts? What is the feel or spirit of your home? Do you feel anxious in your home? Is your home dark and depressing? What about the financial status of your home? Do you have insurances? Do you know how to care for your house if there was a gas leak? or you had to shut the water off?

The purpose of my blog, Instagram, and Facebook posts are to help you become the master of your Domain!!

My biggest focus is how can I make my world, my Domain it's best. I am a Queen and deserve the best Domain. I'm not talking about a Buckingham palace. I'm talking about the best place for me, through the spirit, look, control and design of my world. I hope you are taking a look at how your domain effects you negatively or positively. You are the master of your space. Take control!!


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