Each season brings its list of things that need to be accomplished! We are in full swing summer time, which means I am spending way more time outside, away from the computer. This is a good and bad thing.
I love being outside. I love to go out early in the morning when the sun has barely crested the mountain and a variety of birds are chattering in the trees. It is so peaceful and renewing.
Aurora often tells me that I don't do enough for me. That I don't take time to renew my soul and spirit but being in the garden and rising with the sun and the birds is renewing even if she sees it as work.
My parents taught me about hard work and I love teaching my children. I think it is a great opportunity to show my children the 'fruits' of their hard work when they get to eat all of the really yummy food from the garden.
There are so many lessons to be learned while being in the dirt. Summer time allows us the opportunity to discover new things, get dirty and then clean again, learn and grow.
As I raise my kids I want them to learn about how to work, how to love the earth, how to grow their own food, how to try new vegetables and to become knowledgeable enough that they can share their knowledge with their families.
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