So once again I'm recording random funnies. I've got two for you today, and in fact they were from the same day.
I was making lunch on sunday the 22 of April, I was using some fresh sliced mushrooms that I had bought at the store and Aurora ate some. Well she had a bit of a reaction to them and got a bit of a swelled lip. She was bemoaned about the fact and kept saying that she looked like an Elephant Seal. I didn't know what that was so I had to look it up. Let me show you in case you don't know what they look like.
I was making lunch on sunday the 22 of April, I was using some fresh sliced mushrooms that I had bought at the store and Aurora ate some. Well she had a bit of a reaction to them and got a bit of a swelled lip. She was bemoaned about the fact and kept saying that she looked like an Elephant Seal. I didn't know what that was so I had to look it up. Let me show you in case you don't know what they look like.
But this is what she really looked like.
She was being so funny about it that she was wearing the bandana to hide it.
What a funny girl. She's trying to be "not impressed"
So the second thing that happened was I was getting Gage's birthday cake ready for his first birthday, I'll post more about that later. But Aurora was reading the colors of icing I was using and instead of reading 'Moss Green' she read it as "Moose Green" Oh, we laughed about that one for quite a while. Moose Green.
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