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Showing posts from 2012

Gage's Birthday

 I know this is a little late but better late than never. His first birthday was great. He loves spaghetti and you can tell from the pictures that he loved every minute of his birthday supper. Double fisting it!


I just had the most horrible night that I can remember in a long time. The children were heinous, is an understatement. Daniel was off at Young Men's and I ended up eating a whole Cadbury chocolate bar. Now the day was bad and I ended it by cheating on my diet. I am frustrated with my lack of commitment and am disappointed at my inability to be in control of my choices. The one person I normally vent my everything to is very busy in her own life and I am so happy for her. Just needed to get this off my chest.

Gage's Turtle

Random Funnies

So once again I'm recording random funnies. I've got two for you today, and in fact they were from the same day. I was making lunch on sunday the 22 of April, I was using some fresh sliced mushrooms that I had bought at the store and Aurora ate some. Well she had a bit of a reaction to them and got a bit of a swelled lip. She was bemoaned about the fact and kept saying that she looked like an Elephant Seal. I didn't know what that was so I had to look it up. Let me show you in case you don't know what they look like. But this is what she really looked like. She was being so funny about it that she was wearing the bandana to hide it. What a funny girl. She's trying to be "not impressed" So the second thing that happened was I was getting Gage's birthday cake ready for his first birthday, I'll post more about that later. But Aurora was reading the colors of icing I was using and instead of reading 'Moss Green' she read it as ...

Catch Up, If you Can 2

After the great snowfall of March we rolled right into April. Easter came and went and we had just as much fun this year as we have every year. We colored eggs, put up our few decorations and attended General Conference. I don't have any pictures to record Felicity's 3rd birthday, at the end of March. We did video rather than stills. Maybe one day I'll get savvy and figure out how to put video on here. Anyways, here is easter in a nut shell.

Catch Up, If you Can

So it's been a while since I've posted about our little family. I have finally gotten better at taking pictures doing the day to day things. So today's post is the beginning of getting caught up. We got a good dump in the end of March and it was the only good dump of snow that allowed snowman building so build we did. I don't have a snowsuit that is boy colored so Gage had to bear it and wear pink. I think it matches his cheeks quite well. He truly is a boy and loves being out doors. I have had my life threatened for wearing this "hideously awful coat" but it works and it's what I've got. The finished product!!

Monster Knees

So a good friend of mine needed her kids pants patched. I had seen on Pinterest monster knee patches. I asked her if she would be open to this idea. She was and this is what I created!! It was so much fun. Two pairs of boys pants on the right and a one pair of girls. Monster Knees!!

What is my purpose?

Sometimes I wonder why? Not the deep why am I here kind of questions but more of the surface questions. Why don't I have any energy? Why do my kids fight all the time? Why do I make excuses? So what is my purpose? I don't really know. I love my family. I love the joy of my children but there are days(today is definately one of them, hence this post), that nothing gets accomplished and nothing happens that I need or want it to happen. Is it the cycle of the moon, that I like to believe?! or is there a greater force that I'm missing. What a blah day.

Another Funny moment not to be forgotten.

Felicity just turned 3 and she is very aware of who she is and what is going on around her. Just a couple of days ago she heard me talking about getting my visiting teaching appointments organized for the month of April. Then later that same morning, she was dressed up in dress up clothes, pushing a stroller with a baby. Gage was crawling around trying to keep up to her and she most assuredly said to Gage, "Sister Broadbent, get out of my way, we have to go Visiting Teaching." "Come on!" Gage was to come and go visiting teaching with her but he/she needed to get out of the way. To funny!!


So I follow a blog called The Dating Divas , they are fabulous for great dating tips and ideas. They are constantly coming up with great stuff. There are 11 ladies that all contribute so you get some great variety. That being said they decided that no only do they want to help smarriages but they want to help them greatly. So this week they are having a Tele-Retreat . Meaning that every day at 10am and 6pm MST they are having phone conference calls that you can call into and listen to some amazing speakers. Yesterday I had the priviledge of listening to recording artist Hillary Weeks . She spoke about the power of positive thinking. WOW!!!! is all I can say. That brings me to the content of this post. Hilary spoke about an experiment that she did in her own home. She bought one of those number counting clickers that you hold in the palm of your hand. I've seen them at Costco, they guy working the entrance door counts the number of bodies going in. Anyways, Hillary was trying to fig...

It's funny ya' know

So I don't post very often because I have this really weird thought in regards to posts. THEY MUST INCLUDE A PHOTO! So not true. I have finally come to realize this so hopefully this will cure my lack of posts and my posts will now flourish and multiply like little bunnies.

Leap Year Day

So seeing as today is Leap Day I should have something to say. First off, where was I 4 years ago? Let's see it would have been 2008. I was living in Edmonton in a great place (sarcasm) called Kameyosek. Aurora was 4, Rayann was 2 and I was working at Michaels. I don't recall doing anything special or the day being special. It was just another day. Same as today. Today is just another day. Nothing special happend. I worked on custom sewing orders. Gage and Felicity had naps this afternoon and I contimplated life, where we are headed and where we have come from. By we I do mean Daniel and I. I did take some video today and I realized that I have a tonne of videos on my camera that need to get loaded onto my computer. So maybe later this week. *eye roll* We all know how fast I am at posting stuff. Anyways, Happy Leap Year Day!


So my girls have really long hair and they love it when I do things in their hair. So practiced this heart shaped braid on Aurora's hair for church on sunday and it turned out really good today. I need to get better decorations like ribbons and really fancy bows and such for their hair. I got the idea from Hairstyles For Girls . She even has a video on how to do this particular style. Check her out she's fantastic! Rayann's hair is supposed to be a heart as well it's just a little understated. I was going to try to do 3 in a row down her head but it didn't work out that way. She loved it, so that's all that matters. Here they are together, ready to go to school.


In these pictures are Daniel's Grandma and Grandpa Blount. Lorna Blount is Jerry Jarvis's mother and Bob Blount is his Step-father. This Christmas we had some extra days and we decided that we should take them and go and see our Grandparents, on both sides. We are sorry some days that we don't live closer so that our children could have stronger relationships than we do. So we took some extra time and went and saw them. Here is a great picture of the kids with their Great Grandma and Grandpa. Gage was not to excited but the girls enjoyed the picture. Grandma Blount passed away on February 10th in the wee hours of the morning. We are headed to her funeral at the end of this week. It's hard to say goodbye to a loved one but at the same time. She has lived a very full life and has an amazing group of people waiting for her on the other side. I'm glad that we took the time to spend some time with them at Christmas. The girls have become very interested in geneology and ...


Life is a complex situation and it brings so many things that just ebb and flow. Husband, life, kids, working out, not working out, eating right, not eating right, kids growing up WAY to fast, the passage of time. Why do we always look forward instead of at what is right in front of us?? I want to get better at seeing what is right in front of me. I have been really trying not to shrug off my children lately and I'm loving it. I even snapped some pictures of Gage at supper tonight. His first ever spaghetti and sauce. Can't eat it fast enough! Very tired. Gage was 9months old in this picture.


So I've decided to extend my giveaway until Wednesday January 25. If you've already entered, don't worry your still entered, I just need to give it a little more time.

Something else to look at.

So our family decided that we needed to set goals, I used the My Memories Suite to make a beautiful hang up to post in our kitchen. Check it out! I used the digital scrapbooking software to make this beautiful poster for our family. There is so much that you can do with this software, it's amazing. If your interested in purchasing the software for yourself (all though I would suggest you wait until after I do the draw for the free software) you can use this code STMMMS69714 to recieve $10 off the purchase of the software and then you will also recieve $10 towards purchases you make from the website. So use the code and make some magic!!

Here we go!

So a month ago I was contacted by My Memory Suite , a digital scrapbooking software company. They asked me if I would be interested in checking out their product and then doing a review for them on my blog. So here I am and I gotta tell you I love what they've got! First of all I'm not a scrapbooker (at least not a good one). I love the look of scrapbooking and I wish I was better at it but I struggle greatly on the 2 dimensional plain. 3D I can do, but I struggle with 2D. Anyways, this program is great for me. There are two great aspects of it that work well for me. First of all they have pages that are already made, put together and ready to go you just drop your pictures into the frames and voila! your done. The second aspect that I really like is that if you are wanting to build your own page you can put stuff on the page and take stuff off without any hassle. If your working with glue and papers things can get messy and expensive. Here it's just click and drag and you...

What a year!

2011 was a fabulous year and I can only imagine that 2012 will be just as wonderful. Daniel has just started a new job and is very excited to be there. I have high hopes and asperations for this year and we will see what the Lord has in store for us. I'm slowly detoxing my kids from the Christmas binge. We tried going cold turkey and everyone crashed. So we are trying, VERY SLOWLY, to wein them off the sugar. It's gonna be a long road. As soon as I have a minute I'll try to put some pictures up from Christmas. Plus I'm going to do a giveaway on monday that I tried to do back on December 1st. Maybe I can get it to work this time!